The N.EA team: Tomas Wachowicz (University of Economics in Katowice, Gregory Kersten (Concordia University) and Ewa Roszkowska (University of Bialystok) has won 2018 GDN Sproinger Best Paper Award (Runner Up) for its paper entitled "Some Methodological Considerations for the Organization and Analysis of Inter- and Intra-cultural Negotiation Experiments”, presented during the Group Decision and Negotiation 2018 conference (June 9-13, Nanjing, China).
The paper reports the recent research of N.EA team conducted within the research project supported by Polish National Science Center (project number 2016/21/B/HS4/01583) entitled „Supporting bilateral negotiations including the effect of heuristic based thinking and cognitive limitations of negotiators”, in which the N.EA coordinator, prof. Tomasz Wachowicz is one of the principal investigators. In the paper some cognitive limitations and typical errors were analyzed, that may occur during planning, organizing and analyzing the results of bilateral negotiation experiments. Some factors influencing the results are discussed, the interpretation of which is not so evident as may appear while designing such an experiment. Among others, the notions of various levels of culture is discussed, such as national culture, organizational culture and students group culture. Some external factors are also discussed, that are related to the technical issues of organizing the experiments by different teachers or coordinators, such as individual instructions ad the language in which they are communicated, personality of the instructor, university customs and regulations etc.
Abstract. In this paper we analyze some problems related to the design and analysis of the inter- and intra-cultural online negotiation experiments in which university students participate. We discuss factors that may impact the negotiation performance. Apart from national culture, which is an evident factor the impact of which is traditionally measured in cross-countries negotiations, we discuss also the potential influences of university or students’ individual or group culture. When analyzing the negotiation performance, we focus not only on the bargaining process, but also on the pre-negotiation preparation. The paper provides, statistical analysis of the negotiation experiments organized in Inspire, which – unfortunately – were not designed to study all the issues raised in the paper yet allow us to capture some of the ideas and notions discussed.
Keywords: national culture, individual culture, instructions, pre-negotiation, negotiation outcomes, online negotiation, negotiation experiments.
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