The conference "Group Decision and Negotiation," organized in a hybrid format by the University of Tokyo from June 11th to June 15th this year, allowed the entire GDN community to meet in person, traditionally within the university's walls, after a two-year break due to the COVID pandemics. A significant group of scientists and researchers from Poland, including members of the N.EA. team participated in the GDN conference. As part of the thematic stream "Preference modeling and decision support in GDN," which is organized every year by Prof. Danielle Moraise (Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil) and Prof. Tomasz Wachowicz (University of Economics in Katowice), three presentations by team members were delivered:
- Tomasz Wachowicz, Ewa Roszkowska, Marzena Filipowicz-Chomko: Using unfolding analysis and MARS approach for generating a scoring system from a group preference information.
- Ewa Roszkowska, Tomasz Wachowicz, Marzena Filipowicz-Chomko: Identifying Decision-Making Style. Do REI-20 and GDMS Measure the Same?
- Tomasz Wachowicz, Marek Czekajski: A group decision-aiding protocol for selecting a post-industrial
cultural tourist product in Czeladź Commune in Poland.
The last presentation presented the results of empirical research conducted with decision-makers from cultural organizations in Czeladź. The goal was to provide data for a model describing the construction process of a systemic cultural tourism product, taking into account multiple stakeholders with various cognitive competencies related to the use of formal decision-support methods.
The Polish scientific community was also represented at the GDN conference by other researchers specializing in decision theory from leading academic institutions in Poland. Grzegorz Miebs and Prof. Miłosz Kadziński presented a methodological work related to solving group decision problems with incomplete preference information (Deep aggregation of incomplete rankings in Multiple Criteria Group Decision Making). Additionally, Dr. Przemysław Szufel from the Warsaw School of Economics presented an interesting practical problem along with an original analytical model related to certain solutions in logistics (Group decision making in transportation network with shared resources). In a remote presentation, Dr. Krzysztof Kontek discussed issues related to voting in music competitions (Identifying Outlier Scores and Outlier Jurors to Reduce Manipulation in Classical Music Competitions).