SpringerLink has just published as online-first a chapter written by the members of the N.EA team, prof. Tomasz Wachowicz and Ewa Roszkowska, entitled: "Holistic Preferences and Prenegotiation Preparation". The chapter is devoted to the holistic approach to preference declarations that can be used to prenegotiation support of the negotiators. The chapter is a part of the second edition of the prestigious "Handbook of Group Decision and Negotiation", edited by professors Marc Kilgour and Colin Eden, that is going to be issued by Springer in April 2021. The handbook provides an up-to-date reference on approaches to the principles and practice of negotiation, group decision-making, and collaboration.
The chapter may be accessed under the following link: https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-3-030-12051-1_64-1