On the website of the European Journal of Operational Research (IF = 5,334, CiteScore 9,5) a new paper written by professors Tomasz Wachowicz and Ewa Roszkowska is available as a preprint for download. In this paper, we verify the technical and empirical applicability of the holistic approach to preference elicitation in prenegotiations. A series of tests were conducted to analyze if the UTA-based approach is technically capable to generate the scoring systems that accurately reflect the negotiators' preferences and what additional mechanism should be offered to assure that technically promising results are retained also in empirical use of such a preference elicitation mechanism. Finally, an enhanced prenegotiation preference elicitation protocol is proposed, which shows promising performance in experimental verification in the eNego system.
The preprint may be downloaded from the following link: https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0377-2217(21)00855-9