Marek Szopa

Marek Szopa is a professor of physical sciences and a faculty member at the University of Economics in Katowice. He is also a co-founder of the training company EXBIS Business Experts, and since 1992, its managing partner. Marek conducts training and negotiation consultations for employees of commercial firms and administrations, including preparing Polish negotiators for accession talks with the European Union. He serves as the chairman of the Scientific Council of the Negotiation Institute. He is a lecturer and program author for schools and universities, including the University of Silesia, the European Higher School, the National School of Public Administration, the Upper Silesian Higher School of Commerce, the Higher School of Banking and Finance, the Higher Banking School, and the Ewa Kastory Negotiation School. He has worked at the universities of Cologne and Leuven. He collaborates with Western consulting firms such as Change International (Ireland, Germany), WissemaGroup, and Core Commit (the Netherlands). Marek is the author of over 60 scientific publications, academic textbooks on game theory and negotiation, and popular articles. He is often invited to international and national conferences dedicated to the applications of game theory and new ideas in management (e.g., MUWIT Berlin 2006, Global HR&OD Forum 2008, ICGT Stony Brook 2013, TechMine startups 2013, Effectively! Maestry 2013, IWGT&EA Sao Paulo 2014, Congress Ladies Business Class 2015).