Widok strony internetowej konferencji GDN 2024In recent days, the organizers of the GDN 2024 conference have sent out a second call for papers and participation. The GDN conference (Group Decision and Negotiation) is held annually by the GDN section of the INFORMS society, and in 2024, the hosting institution for this event will be the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto. GDN will take place from June 1st to June 5th alongside the Decision Support System Technology conference organized by the EWG-DSS working group. A thematic stream dedicated to modeling preferences in group decisions and negotiations will be organized as part of the conference. The hosts for this track are Professor Danielle Morais from the Federal University of Pernambuco in Recife (Brazil) and Professor Tomasz Wachowicz from the University of Economics in Katowice.

You can download the conference call for papers from the following link: 2nd_Call for Papers Conference GDN ICDSST 2024.pdf, and find more information about the conference on the event's website: https://gdnicdsst2024.fe.up.pt/

We warmly invite all practitioners, researchers, and PhD students working in the field of group decisions and negotiations to participate in GDN 2024.


Strona tytułowa wykładu plenarnegoFrom October 15th to 17th, 2023, the XLI Nationwide Scientific Conference on Methods and Applications of Operations Research (MZBO) took place in Lipowy Most (Poland). This annual conference is organized by departments dealing with operations research and quantitative modeling of Polish Universities and is dedicated to modeling decision problems of various types and contexts. During this year's conference, one of the plenary lectures was delivered by Professor Tomasz Wachowicz. The lecture was titled "Analysis and Support of Negotiations – From Formal Models of Preferences, Through Behavioral Operational Research, to Cognitive Electronic Support Systems." It focused on the evolution of the formal approach to the analysis and support of negotiations.

Spotkanie na PBW dniach 14-28 kwietnia 2022 roku w Politechnice Białostockiej odbyło się spotkanie projektowe zespołu N.EA. Spotkanie poświęcono organizacji nowych eksperymentów badawczych związanych z percepcją narzędzi wspomagania decyzji w negocjacjach. Zespół przeprowadził również prace analityczne nad zbiorem danych z poprzednich eksperymentów i przygotował dwie publikacje naukowe wysłane do czasopism z JCR. Jednym z elementów naukowych był również wykład gościnny dra hab. Tomasza Wachowicza pt. "Elektroniczne wspomaganie decyzji i negocjacji. Metody, narzędzia, eksperymentalna weryfikacja". Równie ważnym wydarzeniem natury naukowo-socjalnej był uroczysty bankiet zorganizowany w klimatycznym białostockim pubie-restauracji Sherlock Holmes, w ramach którego celebrowaliśmy nadanie przez Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polski tytułu naukowego profesora Ewie Roszkowskiej! Gratulujemy!

It is with deep regret to share the sad news about our mentor and friend, prof. Gregory Kersten, who unexpectedly passed away yesterday, on May 26th, 2020. To us, the members of N.EA team he was more than a colleague, as we have been collaborating with him for 20 years. The scientific carriers of some of us were shaped and developed under his fatherly guidance.

He was an accomplished researcher, decision and negotiation theorist, father of negotiation support systems, and electronic negotiations. He was an outstanding organizer of scientific life, leading the INFORMS Section on Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN) for many years, chairing the InterNeg Research Center, organizing GDN conferences, and being editor-in-chief of the GDN journal. The scientific discussions and disputes with him were engaging, demanding, sometimes emotional but always fruitful and inspiring. They allow very many of us to excel in research and understand what true science is.

Privately, he was a husband, father, and grandpa, and his passing away is a great loss to his family. But we are sure there are many researchers and teachers from various disciplines and communities that feel now exactly the same. We lost an important member of our family.

Here in N.EA, we will keep you in our memories forever.

Tomasz Wachowicz / N.EA Team

A new course on "Negotiation and mediation" was given by professor Tomasz Wachowicz at Agriculture University of Tirane (Albania) from May 13th to 17th. A course, conducted within the Erasmus+ program, was conducted at Faculty of Economics for the students majoring in Computer Science. It consisted of both activating lectures devoted to formal and behavioral aspects of negotiation, negotiation preparation and negotiation support; and computer laboratories, in which the electronic negotiation experiment was conducted in the eNego support system (https://web.ue.katowice.pl/enego/). For Tirane experiment, eNego system was purposefully redesigned and equipped with control modules allowing to use it in a real-time negotiations. N.EA team is deeply grateful to Michał Kuchmacz, who was responsible for recording eNego control moduels within really short deadlines.