A new course on "Negotiation and mediation" was given by professor Tomasz Wachowicz at Agriculture University of Tirane (Albania) from May 13th to 17th. A course, conducted within the Erasmus+ program, was conducted at Faculty of Economics for the students majoring in Computer Science. It consisted of both activating lectures devoted to formal and behavioral aspects of negotiation, negotiation preparation and negotiation support; and computer laboratories, in which the electronic negotiation experiment was conducted in the eNego support system (https://web.ue.katowice.pl/enego/). For Tirane experiment, eNego system was purposefully redesigned and equipped with control modules allowing to use it in a real-time negotiations. N.EA team is deeply grateful to Michał Kuchmacz, who was responsible for recording eNego control moduels within really short deadlines.