Another paper by N.EA team in Decision journal
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The latest article by the N.EA. team reporting the results of an experimental study comparing two decision-making style recognition tools, the REI (Rational-Experiential Inventory) and GDMS (General Decision Making Style), has been published on the website of the "Decision" journal published by Springer. The presented results indicate that despite similarities in the categorization of decision-making styles, both tools identify different intensities of analytical thinking and intuitiveness for the same decision-maker, which may lead to differences (and even conflicts) in the conclusions drawn when attempting to build models relating various phenomena to decision-making style.
The paper can be accessed under the following link:
Call for papers and participation in GDN 2024
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In recent days, the organizers of the GDN 2024 conference have sent out a second call for papers and participation. The GDN conference (Group Decision and Negotiation) is held annually by the GDN section of the INFORMS society, and in 2024, the hosting institution for this event will be the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto. GDN will take place from June 1st to June 5th alongside the Decision Support System Technology conference organized by the EWG-DSS working group. A thematic stream dedicated to modeling preferences in group decisions and negotiations will be organized as part of the conference. The hosts for this track are Professor Danielle Morais from the Federal University of Pernambuco in Recife (Brazil) and Professor Tomasz Wachowicz from the University of Economics in Katowice.
Plenary lecture at the MZBO 2023 conference
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From October 15th to 17th, 2023, the XLI Nationwide Scientific Conference on Methods and Applications of Operations Research (MZBO) took place in Lipowy Most (Poland). This annual conference is organized by departments dealing with operations research and quantitative modeling of Polish Universities and is dedicated to modeling decision problems of various types and contexts. During this year's conference, one of the plenary lectures was delivered by Professor Tomasz Wachowicz. The lecture was titled "Analysis and Support of Negotiations – From Formal Models of Preferences, Through Behavioral Operational Research, to Cognitive Electronic Support Systems." It focused on the evolution of the formal approach to the analysis and support of negotiations.
New paper in ITOR
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In the online-first access of the journal "International Transactions in Operational Research" (ITOR), a new article by the N.EA. team has just been released. The article serves as an extended report on research conducted by Professor Ewa Roszkowska and Tomasz Wachowicz regarding reducing cognitive burdens on decision-makers in decision-analysis processes and defining preferences to be used in formal decision-support methods. The study explores the possibility of replacing, at times numerous and exhaustive, pairwise comparisons (present, for example, in the well-known AHP method) with simple linguistic declarations on a predefined seven-point scale. The results of the experiments strongly suggest that the approach based on linguistic declarations tends to incur certain errors and heuristics, preventing decision-makers from reflecting their preferences as precisely as in AHP. The main reason for this lies in the central tendency heuristic, which causes decision-makers to be reluctant to use extreme ratings on the scale. The article is directly accessible on the publisher's website through the following link:
Presentations at the GDN 2023 Conference in Tokyo
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The conference "Group Decision and Negotiation," organized in a hybrid format by the University of Tokyo from June 11th to June 15th this year, allowed the entire GDN community to meet in person, traditionally within the university's walls, after a two-year break due to the COVID pandemics. A significant group of scientists and researchers from Poland, including members of the N.EA. team participated in the GDN conference. As part of the thematic stream "Preference modeling and decision support in GDN," which is organized every year by Prof. Danielle Moraise (Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil) and Prof. Tomasz Wachowicz (University of Economics in Katowice), three presentations by team members were delivered:
- Tomasz Wachowicz, Ewa Roszkowska, Marzena Filipowicz-Chomko: Using unfolding analysis and MARS approach for generating a scoring system from a group preference information.
- Ewa Roszkowska, Tomasz Wachowicz, Marzena Filipowicz-Chomko: Identifying Decision-Making Style. Do REI-20 and GDMS Measure the Same?
- Tomasz Wachowicz, Marek Czekajski: A group decision-aiding protocol for selecting a post-industrial
cultural tourist product in Czeladź Commune in Poland.