New paper in ITOR
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In the online-first access of the journal "International Transactions in Operational Research" (ITOR), a new article by the N.EA. team has just been released. The article serves as an extended report on research conducted by Professor Ewa Roszkowska and Tomasz Wachowicz regarding reducing cognitive burdens on decision-makers in decision-analysis processes and defining preferences to be used in formal decision-support methods. The study explores the possibility of replacing, at times numerous and exhaustive, pairwise comparisons (present, for example, in the well-known AHP method) with simple linguistic declarations on a predefined seven-point scale. The results of the experiments strongly suggest that the approach based on linguistic declarations tends to incur certain errors and heuristics, preventing decision-makers from reflecting their preferences as precisely as in AHP. The main reason for this lies in the central tendency heuristic, which causes decision-makers to be reluctant to use extreme ratings on the scale. The article is directly accessible on the publisher's website through the following link:
Presentations at the GDN 2023 Conference in Tokyo
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The conference "Group Decision and Negotiation," organized in a hybrid format by the University of Tokyo from June 11th to June 15th this year, allowed the entire GDN community to meet in person, traditionally within the university's walls, after a two-year break due to the COVID pandemics. A significant group of scientists and researchers from Poland, including members of the N.EA. team participated in the GDN conference. As part of the thematic stream "Preference modeling and decision support in GDN," which is organized every year by Prof. Danielle Moraise (Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil) and Prof. Tomasz Wachowicz (University of Economics in Katowice), three presentations by team members were delivered:
- Tomasz Wachowicz, Ewa Roszkowska, Marzena Filipowicz-Chomko: Using unfolding analysis and MARS approach for generating a scoring system from a group preference information.
- Ewa Roszkowska, Tomasz Wachowicz, Marzena Filipowicz-Chomko: Identifying Decision-Making Style. Do REI-20 and GDMS Measure the Same?
- Tomasz Wachowicz, Marek Czekajski: A group decision-aiding protocol for selecting a post-industrial
cultural tourist product in Czeladź Commune in Poland.
N.EA paper in ITOR Special Issue
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Two years after its online publication, an interesting paper of the N.EA team is now published in the special issue of ITOR (International Transactions in Operational Research), entitled "Mind and Cognition in the Future of Decision Support Systems" and edited by José María Moreno-Jiménez and Luis G Vargas. The manuscript results from the previous research and studies conducted by the N.EA team with the late Gregory Kersten. It is devoted to analyzing the links between the motivational system of negotiators and its impact on how well and accurately they use the decision support tools in their prenegotiation activities related to scoring the negotiation template. The manuscript can be accessed freely under the following link: The pdf file may be directly downloaded here: ITOR_2023 - The impact of negotiators motivation.pdf
AFROS webinar
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We invite all interested in negotiation and decision-making to the Second AFORS webinar organized by the Working Group ”Multicriteria Decision Aid”, which will be held online on March 15th (14:00-17:00 GMT+1) on Google Meet ( The webinar is devoted to using multiple criteria decision aiding in various fields of applications. Among three talks scheduled for the webinar, one will be given by prof. Tomasz Wachowicz from N.EA. The other two presentations will be delivered by prof. Alexis Tsoukiàs (LAMSADE, Université Paris Dauphine) and prof. Theodor Stewart (emerytowany profesor Uniwersytetu w Cape Town)..
GDN 2023 in Tokyo
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After two years of online meetings, the Group Decisions and Negotiation conference organized by GDN-INFORMS returns in its enhanced hybrid form. It will be hosted this year by the University of Tokyo. For the convenience of all participants, apart from onsite presentations, online ones will also be accepted. We kindly invite researchers, practitioners, and all interested in the GDN field to participate in this event. In particular, we invite to submit manuscripts to the stream "Preference modeling and decision support in GDN", organized by prof. Danielle Moraise (Federal University of Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil) and prof. Tomasz Wachowicz (University of Economics in Katowice, Poland). More information about the conference and important dates can be found at the conference's official website: